St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Graduate Division - Registration Form

First and Last Name*

Program Information

Are you a current undergraduate student at St. John's?*
What is your expected graduation date?*
Advisor Name or Program Coordinator*

Have you completed your background check?

Registration Information

Please choose the courses you want to take next semester: Include the Course Subject and Number, (for example, ENG 100) and CRN (for example,12345)

The form requires at least 3 choices. If you are registering for fewer than 3 courses, please use "NA" as a placeholder in any box that requires a prompt. 

Independent study/Internship plan
No File Chosen
File uploads may not work on some mobile devices.

Student Approval

By adding your name here, you agree that you have discussed these courses with your advisor and that these courses are applicable to your degree.

I confirm that the proposed schedule is free of time conflicts.
Student's Approval*

Priority Registartion Number

Advisor Approval

By adding your name here, you agree that you have discussed these courses with your advisee, and that these courses are applicable to the degree sought.

As the student's advisor, do you approve of these courses?*
Advisor's Approval*
Is there a second person in the department who should receive this registration form?*

Dean's Approval

As the Dean, do you approve these coureses*
Dean's Approval*
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